Friday, October 16, 2009

My Mentor

Okay, I have posted a lots of articles written by Raymond Aaron but I didn't introduce who is he. Now it's the time to tell you guys why I am featuring his articles.

Reasons are the following:
I really love his point of views
He is an internationally-famous dynamic professional speaker on the topic of DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.
The Double Your Income Guy (DYI)
He is the nation’s number #1 success and investment coach, has committed his life to teaching people just like you how to utilize his powerful goal setting strategies and life management tools to dramatically change your life for the better.
Raymond has spent many years developing, refining, and testing the techniques that he teaches so you don’t have to struggle to get what you want in life. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You just have to follow his guidance.
He used his own innovative techniques developed over the last two decades, he shows you how to—step-by-step—take conscious control of your world so you can double, triple, even quadruple your income doing what you love to do.
He is absolutely committed to helping you achieve what you want in this lifetime—just as he has helped hundreds of thousands of others around the world achieve their dreams.
Raymond credits his success to the collected wisdom he has received from his mentors and his own life-tested techniques. Techniques that can help you create the most joyful, abundant life you can imagine. Techniques, incidentally, that he himself applies everyday.
And many more :D

Thank you Raymond! Hope I'll meet you soon..**wishin**

Double Your Income With Health, Happiness, and Passion

Double Your Income With Health, Happiness, and Passion

You may already know that differences in brain chemistry affect how men and women communicate, but did you know that the same type of dissimilarities impact our health, happiness and ability to maintain passion in a relationship?

Dr. John Gray, the author of "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus," says that mineral deprivation and the Mars/Venus principle both play a significant part in relationship issues, as do sharp increases and decreases in sugar levels. Simply put, men and women have different nutritional needs but don't usually fit diet to gender.

Plus, understanding and accommodating our individual foods requirements has become significantly more important since we're not getting the nutrients we need from our food because synthetic fertilizers have depleted farming soil of the minerals essential to our wellbeing. Additionally, our water is impure and we're getting less oxygen because the air is polluted.

To make matters worse, we're all living with consistently higher levels of stress on a daily basis at the same time that many of the foods we're eating are sending us on roller coaster rides of emotional ups and downs.

Specifically, minerals are essential for producing the metabolic or digestive enzymes necessary to activate all the processes in our bodies. Deficiency makes our bodies less able to digest proteins properly which means that we don't produce enough amino acids to give the brain enough of the two main chemicals in the brain that affect moods, emotional responses and arousal levels (dopamine and serotonin). Men are more likely to have low levels of one; women the other.

At the start of a new relationship both genders produce greater levels of these brain chemicals so the two people involved feel caring and passionate and are able to give and receive what they need from the other partner; over time, however, if they aren't getting enough minerals, imbalances occur and problems ensue.

Men produce less dopamine than they need and require more activities outside the relationship to help them experience pleasure. Most often work becomes the top priority because there are more opportunities to stimulate dopamine production through the "high" that comes from feeling successful. Sports, making money, driving fast and other risky activities also increase the amount of dopamine.

In addition, men have the gene that converts alcohol into dopamine whereas women react to its sugar content which may lead to a physical "crash." Women are also more likely to have low serotonin levels because they need more of it to relax the emotional part of the brain than men do. The things that give them pleasure, like nurturing, feeling romantic and receiving empathy, also produce more oxytocin, which is the love hormone.

Chemical levels are also impacted greatly by the ongoing stress that comes from life responsibilities like meeting the mortgage and paying utility bills. Our bodies respond to stress by elevating cortisol levels which is fine when there really is an emergency; the fight or flight phenomenon uses up the extra cortisol we produce and then allows the body to rest. Constant stress, on the other hand, results in a build up of this chemical which inhibits our ability to burn fat.

For women, who are more indoctrinated to worry about body image, high cortisol levels have a negative emotional affect on their ability to feel good about themselves and their sexual desires. They may turn to high-sugar comfort foods which only make the situation worse across the board.

Here are five things everyone can do to help their bodies and their relationships better:

1. Stop using artificial sweeteners

2. Avoid trans fats

3. Drink a glass of lemon juice, water and aloe vera every morning.

4. Jump up and down for at least 5 minutes every morning to increase the amount of oxygen and endorphins entering your body. You'll have more energy, think clearer and start the day off feeling better than you would otherwise.

5. Replace your usual breakfast with a protein shake. Add ground flax seed, apple and ground almonds. Use molasses to sweeten.

Wealth Secrets 101 - 5 Goal-Setting Keys to a Wealthier Life

1. Set strategic goals. Strategic goals are those broad, long-term goals in our life, such as, "I want to buy a new house for my family by 2011," or "I want to become a full partner by the end of next year." They are the wealth secrets that everybody knows about on the front-end, but that few know about to the very core.

Strategic goals are important because they represent not only where we want to be in the future, but where we think we are now and how worthy we feel as individuals. Strategic goals are also important because they very much determine where we will end up in the future!

2. Set tactical goals to achieve those strategic goals. These are the short-term goals along the way that support the strategic long-term goals. Mixing these goals together is one of the greatest wealth secrets you can ever learn.

In our examples above, the tactical goals might include, "fix my credit," "increase my income by 25%", and "start getting to know my local real estate agents" for supporting the strategic goal of buying a new house.

Every larger goal becomes much easier to reach when you break it down into smaller goals. And even the tactical goals given above can be broken down into even smaller, shorter term goals. You should also take the time and effort to

3. Set annual goals--both strategic and tactical. These are for the most part strategic goals, although they could be tactical goals as well when you are dealing with large, very long-term objectives.

It's important to have things that you want to achieve every year. A year is long enough that you can make some substantial strides in your life, yet not so long that you seem to take forever to get there.

4. Make annual reviews of your goals. No one's life ever stays the same (and we get bored if our lives did?). That's why it's important to re-evaluate your goals every year and make sure they are still appropriate to the life you are living.

You may discover, for instance, that you have reached one or more of your objectives without even realizing it! You may laugh now, but it happens all the time. And it's always very gratifying when it happens.

5. Write your goals down as though you have already achieved them. When you do this, you fool your subconscious into thinking you really have already done what you wanted to do. This makes it easier to accomplish your goal a "second" time.

This is one of the best wealth secrets I know. It's a way to counteract the "fear if success" that sounds so illogical to so many people.

Fear of success simply stems from being afraid of how the world will change once we reach a new plateau. If you write down your goals as though they already happened, you'll trick your mind into thinking you're already there.

It will notice that you are still comfortable and that the world hasn’t fallen apart, so it sees no reason to stop you from hitting that goal "again". This trick is truly one of the greatest wealth secrets you can ever take advantage of!

Two Counter-Intuitive Steps to Get Out of Debt

Here are two steps that I feel are essential if you want to get out of debt. They may sound a little strange at first, but they make perfect sense once you give them a little thought.

1. Focus your concentration away from your debt.

You might think that to get out of debt, you need to think about your debt a lot. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Of course you need to take the steps to get your financial situation back into positive numbers. But you don't need to focus obsessively on your debt. If you do, you're only too likely to get more of the same.

The Law of Attraction states that we get more of the things that we a) focus on b) with great emotion. If you focus on your money problems while feeding into your feelings of worry, then guess what? You'll only end up with more money problems and more worry. That's certainly no way to get out of debt!

Spend the proper effort to figure out where you are financially and what you can do to get where you want to be. That is the only responsible thing to do--the only thing that will get you out of debt.

Then, after that, get on with the rest of your life. After all, haven't you already done a good enough job with your plan? If you have, then there is no need for worry, as you will be out of debt in good time.

You might even indulge in a little happiness as you picture your future wealth!

2. Don't be afraid to spend money. If you want to get out of debt, you've got to be really tight with your money--right? After all, you wouldn't want to get any deeper in debt! Right?


Well, kind of.

It's certainly true that you don't want to spend frivolously. You can still live well without going out to eat or buying name brands. Most of us don't need all the services we pay for every month, and most everybody could probably cut at least one. We all have places we can cut corners.

But hanging on to your dollars with a tight fist and being scared to spend, only puts you into a scarcity mentality. And that mentality is all too much like the debt-focused attitude mentioned above. Its effect on what you attract into your life is the same.

Another way in which you shouldn't be afraid to spend money has less to do with your attitude and more to do with financial services. Don't be afraid to hire a financial advisor or to spend money on a financial membership course in order to get out of debt. After all, these people spend their entire careers guiding people through situations like yours. The money you spend on their services or guidance is likely less than the money you'd spend in the trial-and error process of doing it yourself. And that's only one reason it's highly important to enlist outside aid if you want to get out of debt.

Friday, September 25, 2009

3 Goal Categories that Will Help You Double Your Income

Want to double your income? Congratulations! You have picked a worthy goal that many people are too intimidated to ever shoot for.

One important thing to realize when you want to double your income is that large goals are usually made from a set of smaller goals. If you really want to increase your wealth, you'll need to focus on more than just the money in your life. Here are three areas to concentrate on.

1. Mess. A mess category may not sound like a good place to start when you want to double your income, or when you want to achieve anything else for that matter. But it is absolutely essential that you start out with this category. Why?

Because messes are the locks on the gate that keeps abundance out. Clean up your messes and you'll have more abundance.

Messes don't have to just be physical messes. A mess is any situation in which what is outside of you, is not equal to what is inside of you.

Physical messes are actually the easiest to clean up. The most difficult to clean up--and the most harmful in our lives--are our relationship messes. This includes our relationships to others as well as our relationship to ourselves.

If you want to double your income, you've got to start cleaning up the messes in your life. No one will expect you to clean them all up instantly. You'll only frustrate yourself if you try to do this. But you'll do yourself and those around you a big favor if you put daily effort into cleaning up the messes in your life.

2. Acknowledgement. This is any way in which you want to thank or acknowledge another person for their contribution to your life or the life of others. These people can be from any group in your life--family, friends, clients, customers, partners, or anyone else who has positively affected your life or the lives of those around you.

Acknowledgement strengthens your relationships, and it does it in a way that strengthens you.

It's certainly true that you will be closer to the people that you acknowledge in your life. But it's also true that when you strengthen others you strengthen yourself.

We are after all affected by the people we choose to associate with. So why not create a positive feedback loop with the important people in your life? When done with business associates, this is a great step to double your income. It can also double your happiness in your family life.

3. Wealth increase. Every one of the three areas in this article can help you double your income if you give them the proper time and attention. But the wealth increase area is, of course, the one most directly related to growing your income.

Your wealth increase goals don't have to just include getting a raise, making more sales, or expanding a business that you may own. They can also include reducing your debt, putting money into savings, or investing in long-term assets such as real estate.

You can increase your wealth even if you don't double your income--but you'll be much happier if you can do both!
