Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Double Your Income With Blogging

Do you have a blog? Do you know what a blog is? Do you make money on your blog? Are people reading your blog?

Learn about Making Money With Blogging!!

What is a blog. It is a contraction of the two words "web log". Say it fast five times and it will sound like "weh blog". So, Internet types just dropped the first "weh" and it became "blog" - a recent word which has just joined our lexicon. Start a blog by going to the website for WordPress and simply answer a few easy questions and you own a blog. Use your real name as your User ID so that the URL of your own personal blog will be

Choose a theme: anything you are passionate about. Anything. There are blogs on every imaginable area. Just type a paragraph or two and that is your first blogpost.

Initially no one will know of your blog nor what its theme is. Here are some easy and free ways to begin advertising your blog:

1.Email all your friends and advertise your blog to them for free.
2.Then, go onto other people's blog and leave comments and tell them to go to your blog.
3.Also, put lots of relevant "tags" in each blogpost which are key words which Google uses to search. That way, people can find you whom you don't even know.

People will begin finding and following you. Your readership will grow. Your stickiness will grow - that means how long people stay on your blog.

Let me share with you the stats for a blog of a friend, which may well be typical :

-total number of visitors to date: ........................ 2,728
-average number of daily visitors to date: .......... 136
-average number of daily visitors last week: ...... 263
-total number of blogposts to date: .................... 17
-average length of stay to date: ........................... 2 min 39 sec
-average length of stay most recent week: ......... 3 min 41 sec
-average length of stay yesterday: ...................... 5 min 45 sec

Notice that:
-the number of visitors is rising
-the average number of daily visitors is rising too
-the average length of time visitors stay is rising

Why is all this happening? Because people are finding out about this blog and liking it and telling friends. That is what will happen to you too.

As soon as you have loyal readership, you can begin offering your own products or services for sale. Or, you can offer products you find for sale. As long as you recommend it and as long as they like and follow you, you will make sales. Yes, make money with blogging. For free. Just get started.

Let me give you an example of a friend Joy van Hemert who just launched her first blog. She is so happy ...

This time last week no one had read my blog and 2 people were following me on Twitter. Now, 209 people have visited my blog, some have left compliments and 851 people are following me on Twitter! Wow.

Get in on it, just like Joy did (she just started with nothing last week!) and just likes millions of others are doing. I chatted yesterday with a sales clerk at a store who told me he had 50 blogs on 50 totally different topics! Wow.

Raymond Aaron,New York Times Top Ten Bestselling Author, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love" published by John Wiley and Sons, New York City.

Claim your Gifts From Raymond“to double your income". It's free.

Join Raymond Aaron on Twitter @RaymondAaron.

Join "Raymond Aaron Double Your Income" Facebook Fan Page at .

Double Your Income In One Day

It may seem absurd. Double your income in one day? YES, many of my colleagues and friends have done it. And, surprisingly, you may well have done it too without realizing it.

Think of your income in your first year after finishing school. Maybe it was $30,000. Good. Now, that was how much you earned in a year. And, at that time, you were proud of that annual income.

The next step is to see if you can earn that same dollar amount in a QUARTER (meaning in three months). Well, if your current income is $120,000, then you have already achieved that. But, I am thinking of a different definition. I am wondering if there has ever been a quarter in which your income was $30,000. Did you close a huge deal? Did you make a big commission check? Did you get a big bonus? Think about it and you may well realize that you have achieved this.

Next, has there ever been a MONTH in which you have ever earned $30,000 -- or whatever your income was in your first year working?

Next, has there ever been a WEEK in which you have ever earned $30,000 ?

Next, has there ever been a DAY in which you have ever earned $30,000 -- or whatever your income was in your first year working?

When you look at it this way, you may surprise yourself. You may realize that you did indeed get a big check one day for something you did.

What's the best I've ever heard? A friend gave a speech March 2007 to 16,000 eager participants. He was the speaker right before Donald Trump. Those 16,000 people were eager to see Trump (not my friend) but they were in their seats for his speech. He taught the value of mentoring and his talk totally resonated with the audience that day. His mentoring program, at that time, was valued at only $1000 and at the end of his 90-minute speech a whopping 1,000 people ran to the registration tables and bought. 1000 purchases at $1000 each came to a totally cool ONE MILLION DOLLARS in two hours. That is my record.

In his first year of working after school, he earned about $12,000 -- OK, that was a long time ago. So, in TWO HOURS he once earned 80 times what he earned in his first year after school. Eighty. Wow. But, he is not boasting.

I am encouraging you to boast about yourself. What's your best story?

Leave your best story here as a comment to this article. Or, just use this article to inspire yourself to earn in a DAY what you once earned in a whole year !!

Raymond Aaron,New York Times Top Ten Bestselling Author, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love" published by John Wiley and Sons, New York City.

Claim your Gifts From Raymond“to double your income". It's free.

Join Raymond Aaron on Twitter @RaymondAaron.

Join "Raymond Aaron Double Your Income" Facebook Fan Page at .

Double Your Goals and Double Your Income

An important tool in goal setting is simply remembering that once mastered, we must apply goal setting practice in all areas of our lives. We must not limit it to a few broad areas of our lives. By applying the practice to many areas, we double our chances to double our income.

By limiting our goal setting, we are limiting what we can accomplish. After all, at least part of the reason we set goals is so we can accomplish them. So why would we not set goals in all the areas of our life that need improvement? By limiting our goal setting we are in essence limiting not just what we can accomplish, we are limiting ourselves.

Now, we must temper our new-found enthusiasm for goal setting with a dose of practicality. We must clearly understand that having a bunch of unrelated, non-connecting goals will limit our ability to accomplish larger, more significant goals. Think of goal setting as making a road map for your life, and the goals you set as cities on your map.

Now think of traveling from one city in the center of your map to another city on the far left side of your map. Setting small, unrelated goals would be like trying to go to the city on the left of your map by going first to one at the top, a city close to where you started, and another city to the right of your map.

You will have accomplished a few things on those legs of your trip (goals), but because they were unrelated to each other, you are no closer to the city on the left of your road map now than you were when your trip began.

Let's imagine that we set our same goal of traveling to a city on the left side of our map. Now let's imagine that we set a few benchmarks along the way. Let's say we planned to stop at three cities along the way, each one closer to our large goal, and in the same direction we need to travel.

Let's take this a step further and say that we are able to calculate our fuel mileage and determine a range of places where we will stop for gas and food. Again, each one of these places are closer to our goal, and in the direction we plan to go.

It should not be hard to see that by planning ahead, setting good goals, and setting even more small, connected goals, will lead to us getting where we want to go. In fact, by using this method of goal setting, we will become masters in the art of goal accomplishment.

Doubling your income may seem like it is a difficult thing to do. Driving from New York to California is pretty tough too. But just like driving over 2,000 miles, setting strong, related and connected goals can be a clear path to double your income.

Raymond Aaron,New York Times Top Ten Bestselling Author, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love" published by John Wiley and Sons, New York City.

Claim your Gifts From Raymond“to double your income". It's free.

Join Raymond Aaron on Twitter @RaymondAaron.

Join "Raymond Aaron Double Your Income" Facebook Fan Page at .

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Blog!

Welcome... Welcome to my blog!