Want to double your income? Congratulations! You have picked a worthy goal that many people are too intimidated to ever shoot for.
One important thing to realize when you want to double your income is that large goals are usually made from a set of smaller goals. If you really want to increase your wealth, you'll need to focus on more than just the money in your life. Here are three areas to concentrate on.
1. Mess. A mess category may not sound like a good place to start when you want to double your income, or when you want to achieve anything else for that matter. But it is absolutely essential that you start out with this category. Why?
Because messes are the locks on the gate that keeps abundance out. Clean up your messes and you'll have more abundance.
Messes don't have to just be physical messes. A mess is any situation in which what is outside of you, is not equal to what is inside of you.
Physical messes are actually the easiest to clean up. The most difficult to clean up--and the most harmful in our lives--are our relationship messes. This includes our relationships to others as well as our relationship to ourselves.
If you want to double your income, you've got to start cleaning up the messes in your life. No one will expect you to clean them all up instantly. You'll only frustrate yourself if you try to do this. But you'll do yourself and those around you a big favor if you put daily effort into cleaning up the messes in your life.
2. Acknowledgement. This is any way in which you want to thank or acknowledge another person for their contribution to your life or the life of others. These people can be from any group in your life--family, friends, clients, customers, partners, or anyone else who has positively affected your life or the lives of those around you.
Acknowledgement strengthens your relationships, and it does it in a way that strengthens you.
It's certainly true that you will be closer to the people that you acknowledge in your life. But it's also true that when you strengthen others you strengthen yourself.
We are after all affected by the people we choose to associate with. So why not create a positive feedback loop with the important people in your life? When done with business associates, this is a great step to double your income. It can also double your happiness in your family life.
3. Wealth increase. Every one of the three areas in this article can help you double your income if you give them the proper time and attention. But the wealth increase area is, of course, the one most directly related to growing your income.
Your wealth increase goals don't have to just include getting a raise, making more sales, or expanding a business that you may own. They can also include reducing your debt, putting money into savings, or investing in long-term assets such as real estate.
You can increase your wealth even if you don't double your income--but you'll be much happier if you can do both!