Is It Hard to Make Money from Home?
A lot of us are hearing these days that it’s easy to make money from home. But it doesn’t make sense, does it? After all, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. And if you come from a blue collar background like my family does, there are a lot of beliefs about money, mostly about how it’s hard to make, harder to keep, and hoarded by greedy people.
Let’s look at some of those:
We’re not used to having it
If you’ve had to struggle to get money your whole life, you’re going to be rather suspicious of any opportunity or person who suggests that it’s not that hard to get.
We’ve got a lot of momentum behind the need to struggle
If you’ve struggled your whole life about money and trying to get it, it’s pretty hard to stop that steamroller in our heads that tells us it’s not easy to make. We have beliefs about the kind of schools you have to go to, job titles you have to have, moral character you have to sacrifice, etc.
We’re afraid of money issues
If you’ve never had loads of money stockpiled into several accounts and investments, deep down you might be afraid that you wouldn’t know what to do with it if you ever got it. haven’t you heard all those horror stories of people winning the lottery only to lose it again within about two years?
We’re uneducated about money
If you got money, would you know how to invest it? Do you know how to set up the tax benefits that rich people know how to set up? Do you know how the traditionally wealthy people (the ones with “old money”) set up their lives?
Fortunately, there is a way to learn about money management while you make it. It’s called the process of Mastermind.
A Mastermind is a group that gets together on a regular basis for the sole purpose of helping each other succeed. In the ones I go to, we have experts in the fields of finance, sales, online marketing, and a host of other topics. We also have each other for support, and we come from every spectrum of life – various countries, backgrounds, races, beliefs, etc., so we can mix and match what we know. (And we do it in a beautiful location, so we can get used to feeling rich!)
I found all this through a very simple 21-step program offered by MOBE (My Online Business Education). MOBE has been in business for around 7 years now and has stood the test of time when it comes to teaching people to make money from home.
It feels good to know things now that nobody’s ever been able to teach me in the past – things that can not only help me make more, but also enable me to help the people I love. And now that I’ve gotten first-rate education, I’m dedicated to helping you make the money you want to make online and find the freedom that comes with it. Please contact me by commenting below. Source: